Tired of people telling you what you want to do is impossible? Want to make your own path?

You would probably enjoy my book F*ck It, Watch This- Saying the Quiet Parts Outloud

This style of approaching well, everything, is probably the reason I’ve become a go-to expert in high-complexity operations, crisis management, and operations optimization. My background consists of making huge changes to organizations that are resistant, even allergic, to change — finding that middle ground to get to the solution without anyone feeling completely left behind.

I have built flexible adaptable resilient people systems at some of the world’s biggest tech companies in order to fix the unfixable. In F*ck it, Watch this, I teach you how to do just that- think and plan differently so that you become the go-to person for problem-solving and empathetic leadership.

Did you know you can categorize most managers into one of 5 archetypes? F*ck it, Watch This details out each type and how to work with them to maintain both your career and your sanity. Figure out your own style too- are you a Narwhal? A Seagull? The dread Blue Falcon?

Did you know that sometimes your best career move is to say “F*ck it” and walk? Get a step-by-step system to help you decide when enough is enough.

If you find that most leadership books leave you feeling irritated with all their “thought leadership” and fluff? If you want actionable tasks and questions to ask yourself to reach your goals without giving up what makes you…you, this book is for you.